About us


Philippe Foucart

Michel Foucart

Bénédicte Foucart

Marcel Miller

Philippe Lacroix

Sabine Colson

Director representing employee shareholders
because they are the foundation of our company
Solidarity and respect
Solidarity and respect
Believe that our unity
is our strength and
our differences
our wealth
Humor and Fun
Humor and Fun
Having fun every day
and being able to smile and laugh
about everything.
Customer love and trust
Customer love and trust
Offering win-win solutions in a climate of mutual trust
so that our customers can win their own competition
Expertise and Excellence
Expertise and Excellence
Know our business and want to remain
the best at what we do.
Vision and Agility
Vision and Agility
Understand and adapt to changes in our environment
and our society to remain in control
of our destiny.
CSR Commitment.
For 30 years, Technord has placed its CSR commitments at the heart of its strategy.
The group puts its business model at the service of quality in the workplace and the environment. Our actions extend those of Michel Foucart in favor of the integration of young people and also support inclusiveness and well-being in the workplace.
We also work to guarantee access to sustainable energy for all and encourage responsible consumption and production.