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Energy performance: setting up a complete visualization system

3 Oct 24Food industry, Industrial computing MoM/MES

Find out how our teams helped our customer optimize its energy performance by controlling costs and improving its environmental impact through a visualization tool.

Initial situation

Our customer wanted to renew and modernize its control of energy networks.
These networks cover the following areas:

  • water production network (primary, secondary and distribution networks)
  • power grid (medium-voltage substation, point of consumption, point of production – photovoltaic panels or cogeneration)
  • compressed air network
  • energy network (fuel, natural gas)
  • technical gas network (nitrogen, argon, etc.)
  • heating and steam network

The aim is to provide a “real-time” view of energy consumption and production, with reports generated for :

  • get a better overall view of consumption and production
  • identify possible losses and overconsumption in order to take action for improvement
  • checkthe accuracy of invoices from various energy suppliers
  • perform consumption prediction
  • transfer data from thecurrent EISsystem (obsolete PLC) and migrate functionalities to the new system
  • meet decarbonization objectives
  • obtain Bcorp certification (a label awarded to commercial companies that meet societal and environmental requirements)

Solution implemented by our teams

Our teams have integrated a single energy control and historical system for all the energy consumed and produced at all the customer’s production sites.

Monthly and annual reports are automatically generated for each piece of equipment and each site, as well as a comparison between equipment consumption and production.

Technical stages :

  • implementation of a “Wonderware Aveva platform” system with around thirty web visualization clients and energy network supervision clients: creation of reports, graphs, triggers, repository storage, alerts, scaling of measurements and sensor parameterization.
  • deployment of a Siemens PLC architecture and deployment of an electrical part (addition of sensors) with remote acquisition points placed throughout the plant on several levels (machine, line, energy supplier meter output, energy production source), all connected to the company’s Ethernet network to retrieve measurements.
  • integration by PLCs of measurements of energy sources produced by the various sites (photovoltaic, cogeneration, etc.)

Gain for the customer

Our customer now has a complete view ofall its energy networks (production and consumption).

It can therefore :

  • better manage consumption peaks
  • be alerted to abnormal consumption (leaks, etc.)
  • better control of unit costs
  • take all decisions and actions in terms ofimpact on CO2 emissions

Like Technord, our customer has obtained B Corp certification.

The work of our teams has contributed to this! In fact, the implementation of centralized measurements has made it possible to meet the improvement targets encouraged by the B Corp label.

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